Canadian Boarder Workers Strike On Hold - What Does This Mean?


Henry Russell


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A planned strike by thousands of Canadian border workers has been temporarily put on hold to allow more time for mediation in ongoing negotiations with the federal government. The Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) union announced the delay just ahead of Friday's strike deadline, with mediation scheduled to continue until Wednesday.

Background and Key Issues

The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) employs about 11,000 workers, with over 9,000 represented by the Customs and Immigration Union (CIU), affiliated with PSAC. The union initially set a strike deadline for Friday at 4 p.m. ET but extended it to Wednesday as mediation efforts continue. The primary issues in the dispute include wages, remote work arrangements, retirement benefits, and workplace protections.

CBSA workers are in a legal strike position, but about 90% are deemed essential and must continue working even if a strike is declared. However, these workers could engage in "work-to-rule" actions, where they meticulously follow every job regulation, potentially causing significant delays at border crossings.

Economic Impact

The potential strike and work-to-rule actions could have substantial economic repercussions, particularly for industries reliant on just-in-time supply chains. The U.S. is Canada's largest trading partner, with an average of C$3.6 billion ($2.62 billion) worth of goods and services crossing the border daily in 2023. Disruptions at the border could impact sectors such as automotive and food, which depend on timely deliveries.

Fraser Johnson, a business professor at Western University, noted the challenges posed by delays at the border: "If you're trying to ship lettuce into Canada (and) you get held up at the border, it has a shelf life. It becomes problematic."

The Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters (CME) association expressed concerns about potential business disruptions. CME President Dennis Darby highlighted the risks to operations and production schedules, stating, "Extended delays will disrupt operations and production schedules, harming manufacturers and their workers."

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Now back to our story...

Government and Union Positions

The Canadian government has expressed a commitment to continuing negotiations and reaching a fair agreement. The Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat stated, "To date, discussions have been productive, and we remain committed to reaching an agreement that is fair and reasonable for members of the Border Services Group as quickly as possible."

Union representatives emphasized the need for provisions similar to those of other law enforcement agencies, such as wage parity with RCMP officers and the "25 and out" retirement provision. CIU President Mark Weber noted that RCMP officers earn about 15% more than CBSA officers, highlighting the disparity.

Potential Outcomes and Next Steps

Two possible outcomes for resolving the dispute include binding arbitration or, as a last resort, back-to-work legislation. Carleton University associate professor of management Ian Lee suggested these options, noting their use in previous labor disputes.

The impact of a strike or work-to-rule action on the economy is a significant concern for both sides. Trade organizations and employers with workers who cross the border regularly have voiced their worries. The Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce, along with other local chambers, penned letters to union leaders and the Treasury Board President, urging a swift resolution to avoid disruptions.

As mediation efforts continue, the outcome of the negotiations between Canadian border workers and the federal government remains uncertain. The potential economic impact of a strike or work-to-rule action underscores the importance of reaching a fair and timely agreement. Both sides are urged to continue working towards a resolution that addresses the key issues while minimizing disruptions to the vital cross-border trade between Canada and the U.S.

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