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NFT.NYC 2023 - A Recap from The Big Apple.

The NFT.NYC event from April 12th to 14th, 2023, highlighted key trends in the blockchain gaming and metaverse sectors. Participants discussed the importance of prioritizing the intrinsic entertainment value of games, collaboration within the metaverse community, and mechanisms to protect the value of NFTs.

This year, the gaming track emphasized digital collectibles over NFT technology and stressed the need for investing in game development expertise. The future of blockchain games seems promising, with the potential for AAA-quality games that can compete in the mainstream market.

A panel discussion on NFTs moderated by our CEO Lenny Pettersson explored the potential of IPs to create meaningful interoperability. It encouraged viewing the relationship between developers and players as a partnership. Collaboration within the metaverse community was also emphasized, as the market has room for multiple players.

A presentation on “Bridging Brands and Communities in the Metaverse” showcased by our CPO Riccardo Sibani highlighted the unique opportunities for brands to connect with audiences by integrating into user experiences. Early adoption of the metaverse offers a competitive advantage for brands willing to create immersive experiences.

In conclusion, the NFT.NYC event provided valuable insights into the future of blockchain games and the metaverse. The key takeaways included the importance of focusing on the intrinsic entertainment value of games, embracing collaboration, and exploring the potential of the metaverse. By addressing these aspects and creating mechanisms to protect the value of NFTs, the industry can continue to innovate and thrive.

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